Maisie & Cassie

Maisie was born in August 2019. Her ‘posh’ name is Grand Champion AbyDreames Sekhmet and is the daughter of AbyDreames Kaleesi & GrCh Saladin Starwind. Her show career started similar to her grandmother, Trudy. Maisie enjoyed a ‘Red Card Day’ and went on to win overall Best in Show at the Shorthaired Cat Society in January 2020. Then Covid19 arrived and all cat shows were cancelled.

Cassie is Maisie’s daughter, she was born in January 2022. Her posh name is Champion AbyDreames Cassiopeia. Her show debut was at the Durham and Northern Counties 2022 where she stole the day, being overall BiS at the Northern Counties and BoV Section 4 at the Durham Cat Club show